
Nature Connection Challenge - Day 81

nc 81

Nature Connection Challenge - Day 81 - Make Pounded Flower Art

Today’s Challenge is to use the natural pigments of leaves and flowers to create a piece of process art. This is fun for adults and kids alike, and can produce beautiful results.

Here’s how it’s done:

  1. Start by going on a walk or visiting your garden to find leaves and flowers to work with. You're looking for things with bright colors that aren't too juicy or too dry. It'll take a little trial and error to find good plants, so …

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Nature Connection Challenge - Day 80

nc 80

Nature Connection Challenge - Day 80 - Look for Animal Tracks in the Mud

There is abundant wildlife all around us, but unless we are really looking, we don’t always see the signs of them. Today, see if you can find a muddy spot, dried up stream bed or sandy spot and look closely for wildlife tracks. If you don’t have a naturally occurring spot, you could make a mud puddle or smooth sandy spot, put out some bird seed and see if any animals walk through. Deer, coyote, fox, possum. raccoon and rab…

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Nature Connection Challenge - Day 79

day 79

Nature Connection Challenge Day 79 - Paint with Water

For today’s challenge, grab a couple paintbrushes, a small cup of water and head outside to do some water painting! Kids love this activity, because they can paint just about anything and their artwork will last just long enough to enjoy before it disappears. Try painting on tree trunks, rocks, the front steps, sidewalk, fence or the side of your home. Have fun!



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Nature Connection Challenge - Day 78

day 78

Nature Connection Challenge Day 78 - Try This Outside/Inside Invitation

The focus for this invitation is to notice with your senses what’s on the outside and how that makes you feel on the inside. Go out to a place in nature where you feel safe and comfortable and either walk/wander or sit/lay and take in your surroundings. With each sense you will ask, “What do I notice (on the outside)?” Then ask, “What do I feel (on the inside)?”

Example: Sight: Outside I see flowers, and Inside I feel joy.…

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Nature Connection Challenge - Day 77

day 77

Nature Connection Challenge - Day 77 - Make a Wildflower Bouquet

Have you noticed all the wildflowers blooming right now? The world is full of violets and lily of the valley and daisies. Isn’t Mother Nature brilliant in the way she produces all these colors and shapes and scents?

Today, walk around and find as many different varieties of wild flowers as you can and make yourself a bouquet to remind you of natures bountiful, extravegant beauty.

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Nature Connection Challenge - Day 76

day 76
Nature Connection Challenge Day 76 - Stargaze

On the next clear night, we challenge you to get outside to do some stargazing! Observe the night sky, look for constellations, and enjoy the peaceful darkness. You might try using an app like Sky Map, a handlheld planetarium used for identifying stars and planets, by holding your phone up to the sky.

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Nature Connection Challenge - Day 75

day 75
Nature Connection Challenge Day 75 - Create an Outdoor Craft Space

Sometimes bringing activities that are normally done indoors to a space outside can make it feel like an entirely new project! Find a shady (or sunny!) spot, bring a few craft items, such as scissors, yarn or string, glue, crayons, colored pencils, and beads. You may wish to also collect nature items such as sticks, leaves, stones or flowers. Place this on a blanket on the ground or a table and have fun creating!

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Nature Connection Challenge - Day 74

day 74

Nature Connection Challenge- Day 74 - Listen to the Birds Sing

This is a very busy time for birds. They are mating, laying eggs, making nests and enjoying the plethora of bugs, worms and plants all that Spring has brought to the ecosystem.

Today’s challenge is to tune into your sense of hearing and spend time listening to the beautiful language of the Birds. Many naturalists study bird language as a way to read the cues of the forest. Birds communicate with each other in a myriad of ways, warn…

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Nature Connection Challenge - Day 73

day 73
Nature Connection Challenge - Day 73 - Play With Water

The element of water can be soothing and invigorating. Water is soft and flowing, yet it can erode rocks with its power. Water teaches us that we can adapt to changes in our surroundings, and that with persistence we can move mountains. Today take some time to explore the qualities of water. Here are some ideas for ways to connect with the energy of water:

  • Mindfully enjoy a bath or shower

  • Set up a sprinkler in your yard and run …

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Nature Connection Challenge - Day 72

day 72
Nature Connection Challenge Day 72 - Make a Nature Necklace

For this activity, you will need to cut a length of string or yarn to string items onto. Begin collecting some nature items, such as leaves, flowers, sticks, pinecones, feathers, stones and seashells and tie or string them onto the yarn/string. Share your creations with us on Facebook:

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