"Imagine a different relationship, in which people and land are good medicine for each other." 

- R.W. Kimmerer





Through the Trees is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization set on 58 acres of forest, field, pond and brook in Freeport, Maine. Through nature immersion programs, classes for all ages and community events we invite and gently guide children, teens, families and adults to connect with the wonders of nature by providing transformational experiences that awaken and enliven the mind, body and soul. We strive to hold space that feels safe and welcoming for all people, as we share a common love and reverence for the natural world.

  • We invite peace, freedom and deep healing opportunities through Nature Immersion and Connection.

  • Through Nature Engagement, our programs forge resilience, confidence and humility. 

  • We offer opportunities to take action in tending to our Earth fostering a sense of purpose, belonging and fulfillment through Nature Stewardship and Service.

Make a Donation Today!

As a 501(c)3 non profit organization, we strive to make our programs available and affordable for as many families as possible. Funding through donations and sponsorships contribute to our scholarship fund and other expenses. We are grateful for every dollar that helps to sustain Through the Trees and our mission to guide others in meaningful nature immersion experiences.

Featured Offerings

Summer Fun!

Wildcrafting, Boats & Bridges, Survival Skills


Nature Immersion for ages 4-17. Join a Tour!

Teens off Screens

Epic Adventures & Wilderness Trips for Ages 11-17!

Shop & Support

TTT Merch and more!

Community Classes

Classes & Workshops for all Ages!

Thank you to our Corporate Sponsor:

Independence Law Logo

  • Through The Trees

    “Through The Trees guides you into a different way of looking at and interacting with the world around us. The class was an amazingly peaceful and thought provoking experience.”

    Class Participant

  • Through The Trees

    “Two days a week my 7 year old is completely unplugged, learning from nature, building relationships in a safe environment and every time I pick her up she asks if she can stay longer. I'm so grateful for the staff, the land, and the vision of this amazing program!”

    Parent & CEO, Megan Jo Wilson's Rockstar Camp

  • Through The Trees

    “ I'm really impressed with the instructors, the rich learning and social development through both unstructured time and structured activities, and the clear communication about safety, procedures, & gear. So appreciating that this is part of our homeschooling experience!”


  • Through The Trees

    “My boys begged to stay at camp at the end of each day and raced to return the next morning. This open, child led, follow your passion, learn new skills, outdoor haven is magical. Thank you to the patient, creative, and kindhearted staff who helped to make Maine summer even more special for our family.”
